Truthful speaking would be a simple way to tell the truth, if the truth were simple and could be told.

31 August 2008

28 August 2008


"America, we are better than the last 8 years."
--Barack Obama.

25 August 2008

I Want to Read this Book:

I read her short story collection and though it gets bogged down in its own quirkiness and idiosyncricies towards the end, there's some delightful wordplay throughout and interesting characters. Here's another good one:

23 August 2008

New TV on the Radio Record Coming Soon!

Being home for a couple months really threw me out of the loop (I've been saying this a lot) so I just found out about a week ago that there's a new TV on the Radio record coming out on September 23rd.

It's called Dear Science and I've only heard two songs thus far, both of which I like quite a bit, and one of which is streaming on ("Golden Age").

There seems to be far more of a '50s influence, but TV on the Radio have always been a doo-whop/trip-hop/experimental rock sort of band, so it's in their genre, though they seem to be a lot looser and having a lot more fun. A lot of their loops and hooks remind me of the first Menomena album, which draws me to the record further.

As with any TV on the Radio song, it takes a few listens to really get it, both songs I've heard thus far -- "Golden Age" and "Dancing Chose", which, after he stops this bizarre rap, is simply fantastic -- but I also think that that's the appeal of TV on the Radio: on your first listen you go, "What did I just listen to? I have no idea but it was awesome." And then gradually you realize there's something even more amazing than what you originally thought.

Dear Science, probably won't be Return to Cookie Mountain, or it might be better, I doubt it (I'll explain theories about growths of bands later, if I remember), but I'm definitley buying it come September 23rd.

Incidentally, I hear Okkervil River's sequel to Stage Names is pretty good. And Of Montreal have a new one coming out soon, too.

20 August 2008

A Great Interview

This week, Bookslut put out a really good interview with Chris Adrian, writer of The Children's Hospital, Gob's Grief, and A Better Angel. Adrian is, by far, hands down, one of the best writers working today, and I read Children's Hospital this summer and was so blown away that once this transfer comes through, I'm going to go and buy the hardcover McSweeneys edition.

I tried to order his short story collection when it came out in Springs, but that Barnes and Noble never delivered for some reason and I'm trying my luck again with this one in Fort Collins.

I guess in celebration of his short story collection being put out, Bookslut conducted this interview and the guy comes across as very humble and very funny. Here are some great moments:

Supernatural experiences are a big part of your fiction, but while there are other writers, like Kelly Link or Amiee Bender who use the supernatural or the fantastical as devices in their fiction, I don’t see you as part of that tradition. Do you?
Not so much, though I like those. Those are the types of writers that I think are interesting. I think all that stuff is neat. If there’s a magic pony in the story, chances are I’ll read it. I feel like I write about magic ponies a lot. Part of that is what keeps me interested, but also that I have a hard time telling the stories or, not so much the stories, but the sort of emotional transformations that occur to me, as possible and interesting to describe. I always have a much easier time with the help of a magic pony or a crabby angel or a ghost of a suicide or whatever.

The Children’s Hospital is a really big book. Was it longer when you started editing, or did it just keep getting larger?
Eli [Horowitz], the editor at McSweeney’s, and I cut out about four hundred manuscript pages. Almost none of it was stuff that happened on the hospital -- except for the big zombie scene.
I’m really, really upset that I’m never going to read the big zombie scene.

The zombie nurse attack.
That’s unbelievable. You’ll have to send it to me.
I tried to find it. When I was doing readings, I thought it would be more fun to read from the stuff that had been cut. But the zombie scene is now truly lost.
One day someone will find it in a trunk, like Emily Dickenson’s poems. The big zombie scene.

I like the sequence. I like ending with “Why Antichrist?”
The book was supposed to be called “Why Antichrist?” but they wouldn’t let me call it that. I wanted it to be a black cover with a little upside down white cross on it, but they seemed to think no one would buy it.

And then I’m doing a goofy kids book.
A kids book? That’s interesting. Is it already written?
I wrote one draft of it, and it got rejected from about, I guess, fourteen or fifteen children’s book publishers. The common refrain was, “What made you think this was suitable for children?”
That’s hilarious. So, have you found someone who does think it’s suitable for children?
No, but my editor at FSG is interested in seeing it. He heard a little bit about it and thought it sounded relatively neat, so I think he probably will say the same thing, but his being interested in it made me go back and look at it again. It’s fun to work on it anyway.

Incidentally, I don’t think of you as a gay writer, or someone who’s writing gay stories, but you’re clearly not in the closet either.
Someone looking hard enough at my books could probably find some stuff that makes sense in that way. But I never thought I warranted a cover with a shirtless guy with 3D nipples. That’s what seems to be on the cover of a lot of gay writers’ books. You get the shirtless 3D nipple cover.
Is it something you prefer people not mention?
No, it doesn’t matter.
Does your gayness go over at divinity school? Has it been an issue at all?
Everyone else is gay there too. Not really, but there are a lot of gay people there. It is decidedly not a problem. I’ve been lucky in that way. There are a lot of gay people in pediatrics too.
There’s this gay doctor who appears in your all of your books, Doctor Chandra…
Whose name…at one time you could rearrange the letters of his name to spell Chris Adrian.
I wondered how much of was a self-flagellating kind of thing. You’re always sort of bullying Dr. Chandra in your books.
I think of him getting bullied, not so much because he’s gay but because he’s incompetent. I guess it’s gratifying in some way to exaggerate that aspect of myself in a way that’s scary for the poor patients, I bet. I had a mom realize that I was the person who wrote that just as I was about to put a needle in her son’s back.

Really, it's a fantastic interview and you can read it all here. Then, go out and read The Children's Hospital or Gob's Grief, or A Better Angel, but I haven't read that one yet.

16 August 2008

A Fantastic Premise

In one of my many excursions on the Internet, as well as a site I frequently frequent, I came across this short story. And the premise is just so spectacular I had to talk about it (I would have done so earlier but I'm on the computer a far less time at home than I am at school). In a nutshell:

We all know about how scientists say eventually parents might be able to control the genes of their children -- give them blue eyes, equistrian features, and on -- to build the perfect child. With that option and the idea that being gay is a genetic condition in the same vain as being left-handed or near-sighted, parents might be able to make sure that the gene which carries the homosexuality trait (sidenote: I do believe this, the genetic thing), would be able to be erased, thusly, not forcing their kids to undergo the persecution, prejudice, and intolerance that comes with being gay. Unfortunatly, the same gene that carries the homosexual strand is the same one that contains the artistic one -- now, it's not saying that all artists are gay or anything, but that's the same gene homosexuality happens to reside, whether or not it's dormant -- and after years of eradicating that gene, the world suddenly loses all of its art.

I dunno, I just thought that that was genius and though the story is a piece of erotica (so: not safe for work), it is a really neat idea in general. I'm not going to say thought-provoking or anything along those lines, but I like it a lot. The story itself doesn't do a lot with the idea except set up a place for two boys to get in heat, which they do, but you have to wonder how this would have gone over had it been presented in a different medium?